Dozen Roses


Red, Pink, White, Yellow

*Local Delivery within a 5 mile radius only to zip codes: 28792, 28791, 28731, 28739, 28726

**Seasonal Substitutions may be required
Please note: Not all colors are available in each variety of flowers,
substitutions may be required.

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Red, Pink, White, Yellow

*Local Delivery within a 5 mile radius only to zip codes: 28792, 28791, 28731, 28739, 28726

**Seasonal Substitutions may be required
Please note: Not all colors are available in each variety of flowers,
substitutions may be required.

Red, Pink, White, Yellow

*Local Delivery within a 5 mile radius only to zip codes: 28792, 28791, 28731, 28739, 28726

**Seasonal Substitutions may be required
Please note: Not all colors are available in each variety of flowers,
substitutions may be required.

Orders placed online within 48 hours prior to a major holiday (ie, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day)
may not be filled exactly as ordered due to the overwhelming amount of orders.
Please call to confirm your order after placing it during that time. Thank you for understanding.

Flowers Generate Happiness.

Having flowers around the home and office greatly improves people's moods and reduces the likelihood of stress-related depression. Flowers and ornamental plants increase levels of positive energy and help people feel loved, secure and relaxed.

Winter Bouquet
from $45.00
Sympathy Bouquets
from $85.00
Summer Bouquet
from $45.00
Autumn Bouquet
from $45.00
Funeral Easel Spray